Chinese Culture 


 Chinese Culture






Learning & Literature -- Feng Shui

Feng Shui literally means "wind water". Feng Shui is the practice of creating harmony with the environment to derive the greatest benefit, peace and prosperity, and can be applied in any environment. The determination of the best location in a environment is based on the individual's year of birth, the environment, and the orientation of the solar system. Using the basic principles of Yin and Yan, the five elements (fire, earth, metal, water, and wood), East and West, the solar system, and the environment, a Feng Shui practitioner applies a set of theories and calculations to determine the most positive orientation for an individual.

Traditional Feng Shui
In ancient China, this ancient discipline was a closely gaurded secret because it was used to insure the health, wealth, and power of the imperial dynasties. The Feng Shui masters guarded the discipline very closely and were charged with sustaining the prosperity of the royal court. These masters were very discerning in selecting their prot間閑s and especially cautious of sharing their Feng Shui knowledge with any outsiders. Because of this fact, very few Feng Shui masters even knew the basic theories of Feng Shui.

When something out of the ordinary occurred, the masters would see what had changed in their surroundings. Did the door become stuck? Even the most subtle variation was scrutinized. External changes in the environment were identified to coincide with changes in the people. These fastidious observations were the center of the oral tradition of Feng Shui and passed from generation to generation. However, only when a Feng Shui master was on his death bed, did he pass the art on to his prot間?

Modern Feng Shui
Today, Feng Shui is an accepted science based on the analysis of energy. Numerous institutions and organization are promoting the use, practice and teaching of Feng Shui. Practiced all over the world, it has many modern day applications.

The consulting of modern day Feng Shui specialists ranges from the superficial effects to the spiritual effects of the environment. They work with all professions as well as individuals who want suggestions about their environment. Architects incorporate almost perfect Feng Shui into their buildings. Many architects are open minded and eager to apply this old approach to new structures. Architects have been using many Feng Shui principles all along. Builders benefit from using Feng Shui knowledge as well. Remodeling can upset the balance and harmony in a building and in the lives of people who spend time there. Interior decorators and designers use the placement of furniture, color theory, and the five elements to incorporate Feng Shui principles subtley and overtly. Realtors are another group that find Feng Shui invaluable in their business. Feng Shui helps realtors sell houses that are difficult to sell by finding and solving the hidden problems that make the difference between an unwanted house and a sold house where people feel very comfortable.

The ancient principles are being applied to bedrooms, offices, and buildings. Mirrors, plants, and other objects are being placed as never before.
