Chinese Culture 


 Chinese Culture







The Chinese call their country Zhong Guo, meaning Middle Country. The ancient Chinese thought of their country as both the geographical center of the world and the only cultured civilization. The name China was given to the country by foreigners.

China, an Inner Realm is where one can explore fascinating facts pertaining to the land, culture, and language of the vast and diverse nation. Because China is so immense, its land contains some of the world's driest deserts, highest mountains, an d richest farmland; and being the world's oldest living civilization, its culture and language are the most rich, dating all the way back to the 1700's B.C. China is so diverse and rich in its interior that it is in itself a world within. So what are yo u waiting for? Pack those bags and travel to one of the world's most intriguing and charming places: China, an Inner Realm.